Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Charlotte Motor Speedway, 5555 Concord Parkway South    Concord, North Carolina

The Speedway Club - 6th Floor of Smith Tower - 600 Room

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7:45 AM     Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00 AM    Training Session 1:  Focus on 2023 NEC Changes and Adoption of NC Amendments

11:40 AM    Registration for Session 2 and Lunch

12:15 PM  Training Session 2:  Adoption of '23 NEC Changes with Focus on Multi-Family/Residential NC Amendments

4:00 PM   Special VIP Behind The Scenes Tour of Charlotte Motor Speedway

Register Now

  • Registration includes seminar fee, morning and afternoon training sessions, continental breakfast, boxed lunch and optional VIP Behind the Scenes tour of Charlotte Motor Speedway.

  • Registration includes seminar fee, morning training session only, continental breakfast and boxed lunch. You may return at 4PM for the optional track tour if desired.

  • Registration includes seminar fee, afternoon training session only, boxed lunch and optional track tour.

Attendee Personal Information

Seminar Cancellation Policy:
A $25 fee will be charged for any cancellations made by October 15, 2024. After October 15, 2024, cancellations will be refunded at 50%.

If this event needs to be cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control, including weather, we will give as much notice as possible and will refund in full, or transfer the fee to the rescheduled date based on your preference.

Crowd Notice/Release
Please be aware that by attending this event, you consent to your voice, name and/or likeness being used, without compensation, in all media, whether now known or hereafter devised, for eternity, and you release Atlantic Coast Electric Supply, its successors, assigns, subcontractors and licensees from any liability whatsoever of any nature.

Questions? Call Joan Davis 703-403-7119

If you would like to register another participant, click on SAVE SEMINAR ATTENDEE and then click on Add Another Seminar Attendee.  

If you are finished registering yourself and/or all your guests, continue to the BILLING INFORMATION section and then click SUBMIT to confirm.


RegFox Event Registration Software